Monday, November 9, 2009


right so once again with the grandest of plans i FAILED to start doing points and its now November ARGGGGGH where did the year go!! and i have had a gain, quite a substantial gain and im SICK OF IT!! so im going to try and do something about it. Now is time to watch this space!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

1 year 6months later!!

Well .........hello after such a long time!!!
i cant say im a super fox ..Yet...but it is a new year and a new time and im determinded to stop making myself fail at what im trying to do....
so im going back on the points im going to get fit and im going to show anyone who has taken the time to even look at this blog that i will do what i set out too in the beginning
Well i can say hurray as i havent put anyweight on!! infact my starting weight is now 104.3kgs
so im still smaller than when i started...but much bigger than id like to be

Todays the day i ask my self can i change....
and as President Obama say yes we can!!!


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Biggest Loser Home Edition :)

Well as i think i said the other Day I purchased the "the Biggest Loser" workout DVD,

and on monday night I did my first ever work out...thinking "ooh low impact cardio this will be a peice of cake".....oh how wrong one person could be!!!
<--That BOB he is fricken awesome!! so motivating I can only imagine what a one on one session with him would be like.....dream work out oneday!! anyway he had me doing jumping jacks, Sqauts, Lunges, Punches, side steps with jumping jacks, kick/punches/knee ups, and an awesome washing machine kind of movement to work on the core haha man do i need that!!

and I swear when I was doing the squats I actually felt so nauseous I thought I would actually be sick haha when I did the warm down and put my arms above my head to breathe deep I was almost ready to faint, my heart rate was so high my arms were shakey but at the end of the day it really was a low impart cardio work out and I actually cant wait to do it again tonight the plan for the dvd challange is to work out 6 days a week....hell why not give it a go huh!!

and cos according to the WW points counter for excercise cos i could only talk a little it was considered High and 40 mins at my weight gave me 8 EXTRA POINTS!!!

so far i am on track so far for this week

Day......Allowed...Actual used ........Exercise bonus...........Left over
Wed...........24............18 .................0............................6

Friday, June 8, 2007

Righteo then

to my Adoring Fans:)
after having recently had a death in the Family i was required to purchase some new Clothing for the event, and as i feel i had come completely unhinged with my eating was a little fearful of what the result of my eating had created
i was COMPLETELY over joyed when i went into Jacqui E and tried on the XL which is what i would normally buy and discovered that it was too large...woot woot so i tried on the L ( such a great feeling) and found that this was the better fit!! also this inspired me to spend a little of my bonus and to great pride i can now fit Most 16 pants!!! OMGoodness rock on with my Bad self!!

now moment of truth on Monday the 11 June i will be restarting my healthy eating again Full on reverting right back to basics, and there will be no excuses for any gains
also i have bought the biggest loser work out video($7 from the warehouse hehehe) and Bo will be my trainer and i will be doing this for a 6 week plan....

keep you posted on the results:) oh and btw here is a new pic( a particularily good one mind you of the new brunette me:p) its amazing what camera angle and lighting will do for a girl :D

Monday, May 28, 2007

Long time No update...what has happenied on Planet Superfox...

despite a few hurdles on my journey...moving house.....getting sick.....wanting to eat Wendys....making a few bad choices
i have still managed to lose another Kilo taking my total to 11 lost altogether
My old "fat" clothes have been put on trademe and been sold according to my dear mother who has listed them for me and they have apparently been now i have nothing to go back to and will have some extra cash soon bonuses all around!!

I am still sick and have resorted to eating copious amounts of fruit and im actually enjoying it and the manadrins are AWESOME!!!
I have had a flu Jab today and cant really think straight so i will end this before i start rambling about something completely strange

Monday, May 7, 2007

My inspiration

This Chick is awesome, i saw her on the Latest biggest loser i felt very akin to her and felt her shape etc etc was kinda like how mine is and then i stumbled on her after shot and OMG!!!
I swear if i look this good after however long .then WATCH OUT BOYS!!!:)
just thought i would shar how cool she is cos she put in a LOT of hard work i will look at these pictures and remind myself of what hard work can get you
Watch this space:)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

TAAA DAAA I DID IT the first 10KGS!!

Hello to all my Readers hey mum!!:P haha
Well this week i have semi knuckled down and tried to be as good as possible and well it would seem that it has been done

this week i have lost1.8 which gives me a grad total of 10 KGs since i started :P
YAY me!!!!
Im really happy and as i pack up my things to move house i have been culling clothes as a large proportion of them are now WAY too big for me and the cost to take them in isnt really worth it as they are the type of clothes which have been stretched out of shape from a bigger time:)
although i am considering trade me as a source for selling them as well im going to need to buy myself new ones

So Now i have reached my goal of under 110 next goal is to get to the 10% mark
on 2kgs to go for that and then under 100 is the next one :)

catch ya next time

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Health assesment

About once every 6 months we have a wellbeing health expo at work,
Went down stairs decided to get a free health assesment( done by our risk management agency!!:P),
Have a few things tested BMI, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, TriGlycerides, Diabetes

and im not doing to badly i WISH i had not been scared to do it last time so i could have a real measure of how far i may have come,
Interestingly enough my cholesterol is so low her machine couldnt even measure it:) which is awesome however i do have elevated triglycerides which is the chemical in fats which if you dont reduce it can cause coronary artery disease in some people.....more fatty fish and fresh fruit and veges again im thinking:)

But the coolest hing i found that i went on the scales for the BMI and saw that i was 109.9!!! and being i was 111.6 on monday ....HOPEFULLY THIS WEEK WILL BE GOOD!!!

Well got to go and pack my house for my update on Monday Weigh Day!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Round the bays results

Well i also this week got my results for the round the bays
i came 1175th out of 30,000 open participants and completed it in 111.35 mins!!! not even two hours!!
Very stoked as that is not toooooo shabby

Next plan of attack is the half marathon in october with a few of my friends, will actually have to train for this as there is alot of up hill and down dale-ing and me and hills aren not friends!!

back to that saying though "not for long" we will be best friends before too long....walking over the bridge too how very exciting:)

WIll keep posted on this

Week 9- and im non descript today

Well its a nother week and i was SOOO excited last week as i thought i had that next step insight and im happy to say that for the most part i am on track from my eating but my sneaky look this morning says other wise and i guess im preemptivly a little disheartened.... will have to wait till weigh in to see if there is any difference.....fingers crossed

Weighed in and it was a plus...but it was only 400g which if i adjust my portion sizes again then i'll be back on track before too long :)

Much loves


Update: extra happy now- just found out the stats for our Weightwatchers at work and as a group we have lost 29.1 Kgs and my 8.6kg is 30% of the total lost making me the biggest loser!! normally i would hate the reference to being a loser but i think in this case i will make an acception :)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Can i hear a Woot Woot!!

Well this week i have tried really hard and it has Paid off even wearing my new very heavy Pants, i have still Lost 2 KGS!!!! ....and as my friend Steph say heavy pants aside you still lost 2kgs Laura Loo....
Which has given me a grand total of 8.6 Kgs in 8 weeks!!!
i only have 1.2 Kgs to get to being 110 or under
and only 3.4 to get to my 10% goal!!
I am now comfortabley a size 18, as i can fit all but one brand of 18
its crazy how quickly things change when you put your mind to it.

Have bought myself the cook book "the Really contented Tummy"
save myself from the temptations of take aways and making yummy food

Monday, April 16, 2007


Well Yesterday was weigh in... it was two weeks since i had weighed in last and quite frankly i had been pissing around with my eating, i even ate things i didnt want to out of....stupidity can be the only thing to describe it....if an award was given for outstanding effort in self defeating acts/ Self sabotage then i would have to say i would win hands down over this last two weeks... Now i have some people who think that is to do with self respect and i agree for a part as letting myself GET to where i did was down to me not respecting myself but in that same token it was more to do with me not really liking myself OR feeling i was good enough to be healthy and fabulous, so while i have had a bad weigh in( it was a gain of 1.2kgs) now being bloated due to woman stuff could be a factor? but I have no excuses for they way I have been eating lately as i am fully responsible for my actions but im not going to get down in the dumps about it or punish myself for my mistakes as at the end of the day i am human and this is a learning experience and im certainly not going to allow myself to think of it as a utter failure or that i am a bad person as the only difference a successful person has is that they take the failure they learn from it and they keep going...and I AM NOT A QUITTER!!!

SO!! i have restarted on my super start food plan and will follow this again for the three weeks to kick myself back into it, i have unsuspended my account and started back at the gym and most importantly i am writing down what i am eating as this is where i was really decieving myself and not adding things properly....
so watch this space as my determination is renewed and i will have new photos soon to prove it!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

But i dont even Like Chocolate

Now i have never really been fussed by chocolate i dont crave it, i dont have dreams about it i dont get a taste for it as truthfull most of the time its far too sweet and the fear of getting a migraine is deterant enough, so i wasnt really too worried coming up to easter i hadnt requested an egg for this year and knew i wouldn't be getting one, and i certainly wouldnt be sad to not get one.
WELL let me tell you something stupid, i thought i would Shout the team some eggs being we worked easter sunday so in i went with my little "basket of marshmellow eggs and mini caramel filled eggs and even pineapple lump flavoured eggs, happy i would be bringing joy to others' but to my disappointment i left work that day with so many left oveers i almost considered a lolly scamble as i drove off,But then i remembered i was visiting a house with a child YES i thought i can be the "cool frind who deliver chocolaty goodness and not have to look at the chocolate, i say this as the pineapple lump ones had me curious,
So i arrive feeling filled with a belived satisfaction i would be delivering hoy and i offered the eggs to young( and Gorgeous ) Daughter and " sorry laura i cant east eggs"..........*screech* what do you mean hunny?...."Im alergic to chocolate and nuts and gluten and...."wow poor kid!!
and so i offered them to the parents....wouldnt you know it the parents wer both having teeth a sneakily left a few bags of marshmellow eggs and left with my tail between my legs and two packets of marsh mellow eggs and two pineapple lumps packets....Damn it
well i did endulge in the pineapple eggs and they were delicious and points wise not tooo bad
and thank goodness for Kate and her grand kids next door for taking the rest off my hands :)
and thank Double goodness the meeting was cancelled this week as it gives me extra time to start walking again:P

3 Days till next weigh in

Friday, April 6, 2007

Shopping is getting fun!!

Well its the weekend and im working and i have to say YUM i got to Work this morning and what do i have on my desk but a hollow dairymilk chocolate easter egg, i am happy to announce that it was delicious!
I am getting the picture that i rely heavily from other people to gauge how i feel about myself not sure why this is but if someone like they did today says'Hey Laura you are looking REALLY good its making such a difference to you" i feel like i have won the lottery....must work on a POSITIVE self i sometimes dont feel it:)

I went shopping on thursday as i had the day off and i have gone down a pants size.... and tops are getting easier and easier to fit it is nice to know that i can now start shopping for things and not have to "improvise" and move seams and change the style of the colthes so that they fit.....Awesome!! so i allowed myself $50 this month for some clothes and honestly ive spent heaps more as i was so excited i could fit stuff

I have this pair of jeans from a slimmer time in my life and they are really the judge of how good this loss is getting as before i would be dmaned if i could even get them to even go up high enough to go over my thighs let alone do ANY of the buttons up on them..... they are still VERY firm but they go over the thighs with not too much difficlty and AND! i can do two of the 5 bottons up, all of them if i lie down haha but then i have that muffin thing BIG time and i can walk properly hehe my flatmate was most amused as i pottered around to the various sized mirrors getting a reflection of them on......

not sure what is going to happen with my weigh in this week being that it is Easter on Monday so i may need to wait till the following for a weigh in.....

Monday, April 2, 2007

Its all starting to make a difference!!.......

Im sure most people at some point in there lives have had a pair of jeans, the jeans to rule them all, Well i have this pair, gorgeous and the shape was great and well they fit ok except for one tiny thing, and the day i started WW i couldnt even do them up they were SOOOOO tight and when i wore them depending on the top i would get horrid muffin back or it would dig into my waist and hurt if i sat down as it dug in to my tummy fat......well today is a wonderful day i have climbed the mountain and i can say HORRAY my jeans fit me no Hurt when sitting down no muffinback when standing up....... it feel so nice to Fit your clothes.....i think i really understand the meaning thank heaven for small mercys....

Had a yummy Pea and ham soup for lunch today, and am going for a swim at the pools in newmarket tonight with a friend.......mmmmmm heated pools lovely!!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Week 7 - Weigh Day :(


Well the Day has arrived and im not as nervous as i had anticipated that i would have been considering the slip ups i have in the week of last

sneaky peek this morning on the scales with a different outfit looks ok if not promising( the incredibly light cotton skirt and singlet combo is getting FAR too cold to deal with, haha) so fingers crossed it wont make too much of a change.... :S scary


so two hours and counting im not expecting any loss in fact im expecting a gain....fingers crossed it just stays the same...

note to self start writing all food down in your book again!!



This is for a team memebers Farewell.... pizza bread yumm!!!


Went for my weigh in and lost 200g which im ecstatic about

considering all of the naughtyness!!! and i guess also that im wearing winter clothes( not an excuse by anymeans wither i was actually expecting a gain and rather considerable considering all factors)

Well im off to enjoy a little of the yummy food for the farewell and lots of skipping and walking this week!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007


WHY! WHY! WHY! Do I do this to myself....WHY??


worst of all its so tpical in the cycle of my previous attepts of weight loss
now i know im goin gon like a bad shakespearian actress make this out like its the end of the world when its totally reversible

Ok heres the confession
Last night i gobbled down a wendys meal CHIPS AS WELL!! AND NOT just that some chicken fillet strips i was still with in my points BUT i didnt do my exercise so ive been feeling guilty
After i had staved away from the temptations of the Account managers Decadent feast of cupcakes tim tams savories and lollies and chippiies and everything else you would love to eat and have no consequnce in the real world, And eaten my delicious Pea and ham soup.... and feeling rather proud of myself, Enter Stage Left the Pizza, end of business year thank for all your hard work here get fat for winter so we can reduce the cost of aircon to keep you warm.... i almost physically hear the Jaws music resounding in my head as i almost in a trance like state move to the box covered in dots for what looks like the most perfectly browned peice of hawaiian Pizza, but my self defeating act doesnt stop there oh no that wouldn't be good enough, so in i go for a second round...........i have to say pizza never tastes so good as when its forbidden, but i know i will have to really pull finger tonight and go for a REALLY long walk and skipp my big botty off and my abs are going to be murdered on the swiss ball...all for the sake of being weak.....

so i put this out there
Are you there god, its Me.... Laura..... Why do i do this!!

Not really looking forward to this weeks Weigh in now......Damn it

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

ITs a cold miserable Day in Auckland

I have to say today is horrid and i am having a very hard time getting out and about for my walks and skipping, i am going to have to Face the gym again, may as well being that I am paying for it!!
Had a DELICIOUS pea and ham soup today with some yummy whole grain rolls for lunch just what the doctor ordered for such a ratty day and soo filling....
I need ideas of what to do during winter to keep eating good and for excercising....will talk to delwyn on Monday. any suggestions greatly appreciated...

This is How horrid today is you cant even see takapuna or devon port acrooss the way as the weather is so Cruddy

Monday, March 26, 2007

Week 6- Oh yeah a new found burst of determination!

Well I have been SUCH a good girl this week!!

i bought a swiss ball, and a skipping rope and im certainly not proud of my first attempt at skipping i was puffing and wheezing and not to mention tripping myself up and could do Barely a minute!!...sooo sad but by the end of the week i am up to 5 mins of skippins and well the only issue i have now is finding a better im sure i may at some point end up doing myself an injury!!

and my swiis ball is so much fun and great for me to stretch out on after a big workout...

So......this week i lost 1.4 kgs and i was TOTALLY happy with that as i lost three time more than I gained last week have also included a new picture mum took the night before RTB such a difference from my horrid id photo which was my kirsty alley moment!! nice to know im on the right track:)

roll on next week!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Week 5- and it all comes tumbling down!!

Well I knew it!! i knew this week i had been far too bad to get weight loss,
in fact i had been so naughty i gained 400g :(
not a deternat or an excuse for me to stop im just going to get back on my horse and get back into it.....
in going to start walking around the park down the road from my house......Watch this space!!:)

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Well here i am!! I am actually doing it and with not so much as a wheeze!!

Mum and I started off with the yummiest breakfast Baked beans Eggs and Chicken Bacon( i adore this stuff and 3 rashers for 1 points OH YEAH!!!) and crumpets, and we set off....

THERE WERE SOOOO MANY PEOPLE!!!! i knew that there would be thousands but I never had an idea of how that many people would look.....AMAZING!!

So Mum and I Finished at around 1hour 45 mins which we were both really pleased with and then we went off to the Vodafone after race event and happily had a massage and gobbled down yummy food......although ive been horribly naughty this week and dont think i will lose but we will see tomorrow

Monday, March 12, 2007

Week Four- And so its starts to Slow down

Well week four in and third Weigh went ok....i had been rather bad this week but still managed to lose 1.2kgs which is good i know but i was HOPING like crazy for at least one more big week......
although after all the new male attention this last weekend while i worked at a club in auckland and it was only 5.4kgs lost i CANT wait till i hit double digits!! :)

Well i have Round the Bays with My mum this weekend so hopefully i wont pass out from all the excerise...will keep posted:)

Monday, March 5, 2007


Well Week three in and my second weigh in went well a whole 2.2kgs this week, so i earnt my Weightwatcher bookmark YAY!!!!! its all seeming very exciting
i was Naughty this week though i had Pizza Glorious Hawaiian Pizza it tasted soo scrumptious so im a little disappointed at myself as im sure i would have lost more....>But im certainly not going to PooPoo 2.2kgs!! :)
I also took my measurements this week so that i can monitor size loss as well
they're pretty dismal but hey "not for long"....:) hopefully more good news next week

Monday, February 26, 2007

Weightwatchers First week in

i have made soo many changes to how i eat and my thoughts about foods
for some reason i had a hatred towards Veges.......I dont know why this is, Veges have never been anything but lovely to me :)
so im now back on good terms with my Fibrous vitamin enriched friends.

And like that Reunion wasnt good enough, on Wednesday night i Discovered that my Car had been broken into, Ok yes im a dram Queen it had been atempted to be broken into....And Being the emotional eater that i am Headed promptly towards the nearest Fast food Resturant- Wendys to be precise to drown my sorrows...... for some reason those three Magical little words Rang in my head "not for Long....Not for Long....Not for long" and i swung my car around and head back to my house to make myself the YUMMIEST cinner of Thai Chicken and Veges.....only 5 1/2 points to boot and felt very proud of handling myself well, but was curious as to how many points i had "saved" myself so consulted with my fabulous Ultimate points guide purchase EVER!! and yes this was a standard feeling sorry for myself binge

1 x Large bag Potatoe Chips 20 points
1 x Large bowl of icecream 15 points
2 x Wendys Spicy chicken Burger w/Cheese 14 points
1 x Great Biggies Fries 8 points
1 x Large dairy frosty 8 points

coming to a grand total of approx 65 points in one sitting......second wake up for me as this was a regular binge i couldnt help but lose weight if i was cutting 50+ points for a single sitting in the evenings....i was looking forward to this weeks weigh in....

Horray to the first step at facing the demon of emotive eating, its really empowering to feel in control of my eating at last...

Ok so i have this week Lost 3.2kgs!!!!

This is so awesome i feel really positive for the week to come, it all seems really easy to do!! :)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Kirstie alley moment picture

This is it the thing that made me join weight watchers, i went to work this day thinking i looked awesome and then( how dare they) make me look so Moonfaced!!! Im on a mission!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

One small step for man one huge leap for Laura!!

Day One

Initial Weigh in for Weightwatchers,

I can feel the impending doom filling ever fibre of my being today is wake up day to how bad ive let myself go/ been in denial about how bad ive really become....
Time to go and face my truth .....

Ok for some reason getting on that scale wasnt as bad as i thought I wasn't as bad as i had initially thought but still FAR FAR more than i have EVER been in my life.
Ok Truth Time my Initial Weigh in is *eeek* 119.8kgs *SOB*
Now this really could have been Make or Break moment already whether or not i was going to stick with this, and THANK GOD for my Meeting Leader Delwyn i told her how horrid that number was to me and the three words that came out of her mouth were the most wonderful i think i had ever heard haha...."not for long" she said. Why this had an effect on me i honestly dont know but it made such a really looking forward to doing week one......

My Journey From Sluggish to Superfox